Sunday, March 15, 2009

Completed Alphabet

Thats the alphabet completed, thankyou David, Emma, Kerstin and Julien!


Kerstin Klein said...

This one is really cool. I want to do an ABC-Moly too.
So are you planning on starting another moly?

Wil Freeborn said...

Thanks, Kerstin, it was good fun to do the ABC as a theme.

I'm not planning on starting another moly soon, I think once this group has finished I'll take a break for a while.

lapin said...

well done, I like ukulele =:)

I wish to see other completed.

Kerstin Klein said...

Wil, I´m glad you are staying until the group has finished one round.
lapin, me too! me too!

benconservato said...

I certainly have enjoyed and LOVE your work Wil, thanks for being in our little group.